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How To Get More Sales

Writer's picture: David A. SchneiderDavid A. Schneider

Whether it is a service, an idea or a product - we all have something to sell.

Or maybe you also would just like to gain more market share or increase the size of your business?

Whatever your reason might be, we have put together a number of ideas and street-tested tools to help you sell more, faster and better.

These tools can and will help you to get instantly more revenue with basically the same resources you already have.

Once you have understood and implemented them into your sales process, you will be amazed how such seemingly small tricks can create lasting results in all your sales efforts.

These tools are based on deeply rooted human psychology and can really make or break a large number of deals.

In the right dosage, those small changes on your sales and marketing or overall processes can work wonders.

I am also pretty sure you will have noticed other businesses using those exact tactics for boosting their revenues and sales, as we go through them.

They are neither new nor a secret and are in fact often used in business environments of all kinds, and that already for years.

This is only one more proof that these tactics clearly work, did work in the past, and will continue to work in the future.

So let's begin with the first tool on our list to help you sell more:


how to get more sales
Why are diamonds so precious?

The less something is available, the more we want it.

The more of it is available, the less we want it.

Assume you want to buy a new TV for your home.

You go to the local electronics store and shop around, until you find one model that really seems to be a good fit for your living room.

The resolution is nice and gives an amazing picture.

The price seems reasonable, and you know the brand usually delivers good quality.

You found what you wanted.

You are ready to take it home right now.

Thus you approach an employee of the shop to assist you.

But then the employee in the shop tells you:

”Oh you want this TV?

Our whole storage is actually full of them right now.

This series got produced so often, they basically flooded the market with it and now there is already one in almost every home in town.

Some people even buy them although they have another TV in their home already.

Are you sure this is the one you want?

By the way, if you want to think about it you can also come back tomorrow or any time soon, we have plenty of them and you can have one whenever you want it.

No need to rush, just let me know when you are ready!”

How compelled do you feel to buy the TV now?

Maybe it would be wise to think about the decision a little more?

Notice that the TV itself didn't change a bit.

It is still the same that you just wanted to buy and take home a minute ago.

But your desire has just left you.

What happened here?

It is a deeply rooted psychological phenomenon that as soon as we humans can have something anytime we want it, we tend to be much less interested in it.

You can observe this behavior already in children who long for a new toy to play with.

But as soon as they finally have that new toy in their room, it gets thrown into a corner and the child will quickly forget about it.

As soon as the desired thing is within our reach, as soon as we can have full control over it, it starts to bore us.

We want to have those things that are beyond our reach.

This is what gets us moving.

It sounds controversial, but actually it works for all of us grown ups in just the same way.

Adults are nothing else but slightly bigger children.

You save your hard earned money for years until you finally can buy that new car you always wanted.

But as soon as you have that car in your driveway it becomes “just a car” for you.

Or we sometimes even take up huge debt to buy a house for our family just like we always wanted to have it.

As yoon as you move into the desired house however, it becomes “just a house” you live in.

When you were still living in the apartment, just the thought of having your own home got you excited.

But now what?

It's just a house. I live in it.

So what?

Some people even handle their relationship that way: as soon as you are finally together with that new lover, the magic seems over and from now on it is merely your husband.

How boring!

Things that seem unreachable for us turn us on, they produce a craving inside of us.

This is why millionaires and billionaires are so hyped in the media, because people see that much money out of reach for themselves and automatically such people appear to be untouchable.

There is something magical to the things we cannot have right now, which only lasts exactly until you get the desired item or lifestyle.

From then on it is becoming “normal” or a standard.

And now let’s look at how this powerful technique can help you to get more sales.

More examples of Scarcity in action:

How about going to Hawaii for your next family vacation?

What a great and marvelous place!

But as soon as you announce it, you find out that 3 of your neighbors were there last year.

It turns out that your annoying aunt, who is not necessarily a beloved person and always behaves horrible at every family dinner, also spent her vacation there.

In a magazine you read that Hawaii is the most-visited destination of the last decade.

And some of your colleagues from work also show you pictures of how they enjoyed their time in Hawaii just a couple of weeks ago.

Would you still want that vacation?

Or rather look for some other place?

Maybe the Caribbean doesn’t look bad either.

And a holiday in the mountains would also be nice for sure.

Suddenly the beautiful destination has lost its charm somehow.

But why?

The same thing happened with our TV before.

Hawaii is still marvelous, the weather is still sunny and the beaches are still as great as they were before.

The interesting thing to observe is that even though your desire to go there has just shrunk dramatically, Hawaii itself has not changed at all.

The place is as beautiful as it ever was!

What has changed severely however, is your perception about it.

You now see it as less desirable because we all want to have something special, something exclusive or something that was not yet used by seemingly everybody else before us.

The more we know others around us have the same things, the less we feel attracted to something.

The principle works in all areas of our lives.

Scarcity draws people, it works like a giant magnetic field.

Why do you think people are even camping or waiting in line for days in front of the apple store when a new iphone is released?

Because they know there are only a handful of them available for the next few months.

They are scarce.

We are addicted to things that are rare.

On planet Venus for instance, the atmosphere is so full of carbon and the conditions so harsh that it rains diamonds.

Yes, it rains diamonds there!

So why are diamonds of any value if on other planets they just keep falling from the sky?

Because they are very rare here on earth.

And so far traveling to Venus seems a little bit difficult for most people.

Diamonds are valuable solely because they are scarce.

How many things can you do with a diamond in everyday life?

It is not really something useful that could feed you or provide you shelter.

But - it is scarce!

And therefore people pay lots of money for it.

This principle goes so far and creates so much value that in mines for precious stones like emeralds, the mining companies often purposefully destroy parts of their mined stones (usually the less prettier ones or those not perfect for selling) to make the remaining ones more valuable.

What sounds insane is actually a solid economic principle, based on scarcity.

Reduce your less prestigious output, and sell the remaining output of higher quality for a higher price.

And it works, the value of the remaining stones is thereby increased.

They make more money by destroying part of their goods.

How brilliant!

Don't you just love capitalism?

We are the Rolls-Royce of our industry

how to sell more
Who would want a market share of 0,01%?

In business there are so many people claiming to be the “Rolls-Royce in their industry”.

But why would anybody compare themselves to Rolls-Royce?

Did you know that Rolls-Royce only makes up for about 0,01% of the car sales in the United States?

Who would like to have a product with a market share of 0,01%?

Compare these numbers to other luxury car makers like Mercedes or Cadillac, who also produce luxurious and prestigious vehicles - but with a much, much larger market share and making much more money.

So what exactly is it about Rolls-Royce that people want to mimic such a company?

Again it is scarcity.

A Rolls-Royce is famous because the mere appearance creates a lasting impression, since they are not a daily sight on the streets.

And that makes these cars appear to be something like from another planet.

How many people do you know who are driving a Rolls-Royce?

How many do you know who only ever took a seat in one of these cars?

How many times have you yourself ever sat in one of them?


And that makes the magic around them.

They are scarce.

This is why people pay awful sums of money and wait for months to get one.

How can you make your product more scarce?

Here are a few ideas you can implement right away in any industry to use scarcity to get more sales.

Limited Edition

A classic I am sure we all have observed thousands of times are “limited editions” of a product.

Oh that car isn't available forever, they only produced a certain number of them.

This automatically makes it a limited edition.

And all of a sudden it feels better to drive around in it.

Magical, isn't it?

Of course you don't necessarily ask how much of these vehicles are really produced.

Nobody also cares to verify the claim and see whether there is actually a limit on the production run.

And to be honest - how many vehicles really have an unlimited production run?

It is enough to have the feeling of getting something special - the limited edition helps you to sell more.

The edition doesn't necessarily have to be limited in any way.

It could also be a special edition.

Or the football edition.

Or the new edition.

The product again stays the same.

Maybe you have to adjust the packaging a bit and make it more fancy in some areas.

And if it is a limited edition for the sake of honesty, just limit the production to a certain number.

Simple as that, nothing else to do.

It works with all sorts of consumer products - from sunglasses to watches or cars.

You can even sell intangible products with a limited edition, explaining that the product runs out in a few months for example.

Another way would be to announce a discount that ends next month or at the end of the season.

The most luxurious version

Or how about making an over-the-top luxurious version of your product so expensive that by purpose hardly anyone can afford it?

How about being the 0,01% in your market?

Maybe your business can become the next Rolls-Royce or can at least create a special version of your service worthy of that name?

Whether you make it the most expensive, highest, loudest, heaviest, whatever - it will be remarkable.

And remarkable things get people to notice.

If your product is suitable for this tactic, you can produce a version with as much luxury and benefits as you can possibly think of.

The product doesn't necessarily have to make sense in this luxury version

The goal hereby is also not to sell this luxury version at all, the goal is to use it for more publicity.

Today there are luxury versions of everything, no matter how unnecessary it may be as a product.

The most expensive furniture, the most expensive cheeseburger, the most expensive apartment, the most expensive T-shirt, etc.

It is worth talking about for a lot of people and a great base to get almost free PR for your product and brand - resulting in more sales for your overall business.

If your ultra-luxury version is actually bought by some people who have more money than they can count, consider this as a bonus.

All else being equal, it should be considered a marketing expense.

Interestingly, there is always a small group of people who want to have the best in everything.

For them it might be enough to merely announce to offer the most expensive version of something in your portfolio to get their attention.

One high-luxury version of your product can also make all other products in your portfolio look like a bargain, and helps all other products to appear being of higher quality as well.

Compared to the S-Class Mercedes, the small A-Class Mercedes looks cheap - even though it is actually high priced for a car of its size.

The luxury version will draw attention, justify higher price points for all other products, and maybe even create some high-ticket sales for your business.

Take it away

Another great tactic to induce scarcity into your sales conversation is by mentally taking the product away from the customer.

You could say for example that the product is not available for the next few months, or that it is already booked until the next summer, or that other customers have already made reservations to make sure they get their item before you run out.

Again the product stays exactly the same - but the perception in the customer’s mind changes significantly.

Give a lollipop to a child, and maybe at first it might not even be interested in it.

But as soon as the child starts eating it, try taking the lollipop away.

The child bursts in tears and will start to panic - even though a minute ago the child wasn't even interested.

If you offer someone a product, and eventually say that it is not available anymore, you trigger the feelings of scarcity in them.

Even if at first the product wasn't that interesting to the customer, suddenly it will grab their attention.

Another tactic is to talk about what the product could do, and act as if it is not available anymore.

You can mention that “back then” you had a product with lots of special features (the same features your regular products have) but unfortunately it is not available anymore and see if the buyer will then be interested.

If the customer then becomes interested, call him again in a few days and let him or her know that the product will be back next week.

You would be amazed how effective this little trick is for getting more sales.

Whatever your industry or product may be, think about how you can implement scarcity in your sales process or the overall presentation of your product.

Think about what you can do to allow not everybody to have your products and at the same time increase your profits with it.

The scarer your products will appear to be, the more people will line up for them.


how to get more sales
"Our offer terminates when the hourglass is empty."

We act when something is urgent.

Customers buy when it appears to be urgent.

The next powerful tool you can implement to get more sales is urgency.

You certainly have already seen this tactic in action with a product offering that only lasts until the end of this week.

Or until Friday.

Or until tonight.

Or only within the next 10 minutes.

Or only if you sign right now.

Getting customers to act

The closer the deadline is, the more it will urge people to act.

In sales it is very often a problem that customers want to “think it over”.

It can drive you insane if you rely on those customers, because in most cases they will not really think it over.

Instead they will just continue their normal life and forget that you or your product ever existed.

Don’t be so naive to fall into this trap, specifically designed for rookie salespeople.

Actually, thinking it over is just a bad excuse for most people.

Urgency gives some of the negotiating power back to you as a salesperson.

But why are people so often postponing their buying decision?

The real problem is that the prospect probably can't decide or is not used to making decisions in his or her life.

Even more so, we as salespeople often demand that the customer makes a decision on the spot - an uncomfortable situation for many customers.

Thus making the decision to buy a product becomes a burden and something people feel uncomfortable with.

And so they take the easy way out - postpone the decisions or not make a decision at all.

While all this is not a problem at all if people do it in their private life, it becomes a problem when you and your business need to get more sales.

Even if the customer decides not to take your offer, it still is better because you can focus on other prospects and free your mind from all those “maybe” buyers.

There is nothing more delusional and distracting than to have a full list of people who are “thinking it over”.

If you can really sort out those prospects who are worth your time and those who are wasting your time, this alone often is enough to give your revenue a huge boost.

To better understand this part of the process check out our article on How to Qualify Customers.

If you want to get more sales, start implementing urgency into your sales process and use it to push your prospect over the edge, to either buy from you or simply state that it is not what they are looking for.

Any decision is always better than no decision.

Combining Urgency and Scarcity

But urgency not only accelerates decision making itself.

Built on the priorly discussed principle of scarcity, urgency makes things suddenly appear better or more desirable.

Again it is deeply rooted in our psychology to react to these triggers.

The product does not change a bit - all you have to do is let the current offer run out in a few days, for example.

One example is if a product offer is only valid for a few days.

Even if you just let the offer terminate within 2-3 days and change nothing about the product or service itself, it still will have a major impact on how the prospect views your offer compared to others.

It will suddenly appear better and more desirable only because you know the offer won't last forever.

Again the product itself did not change here.

All that changes are your terms, your discount rate or whatever you decide to emphasize with urgency, will end at a certain deadline.

You simply let the current offer run out at a certain time, preferably soon to get people to act.

The strongest impact from urgency however comes when it gets combined with some kind of special offer or special deal.

And this is what large companies and especially retail chains all around the world use effectively for decades.

When was the last time you went grocery shopping and did not see any special offers only valid for today and only while supplies last?

The combination of scarcity and urgency is so effective, it works even though people know exactly what kind of trick you are using on them.

And it doesn't take much brains to figure out that all those special offers around us will come again and again.

Actually they are not special at all, and in most cases not even an offer if we are honest.

But eventually we all rush into the stores to buy now, because now is the offer.

Even though I am teaching this trick to other sales and marketing people, I also fall prey again and again to it.

It pushes deeply rooted buttons in our brain that are hardwired to get us to act.

But eventually, if you made a deal you are satisfied with - there is nothing wrong with it.

As long as your product is good and the offering is just, don’t hesitate to make use of these tactics.

Urgency can be created as discussed through one-time-only offers (of course, they can come back again often, but they always only last until today for example) or classical sales and discounts.

Urgency can also be created if there are only x amount of products available.

You certainly know the feeling on the teleshopping networks when they advertise a product and have only 1.000 items in store, and you see the number plummet to 999, 997, 992 and so forth - triggering in your subconscious that it is now the time to buy because soon it will be sold out.

The less something is available, the more we want to have it.

“The Discount ends on Friday”

A very successful kitchen company from Europe uses a “special” discount of -30% on all its kitchens, which appears on Monday and lasts until Friday.

Every Monday for decades, the exact same discount of -30% appears again and lasts again only until Friday.

No matter what time you enter one of their stores and talk to one of their salespeople, there is always a -30% off if you can decide until the end of the week.

If that discount will come again next week?

Possibly, but you can´t be sure.

And who would not want to save 30% when a kitchen easily costs you north of 10.000$?

So 30% is actually a damn good deal.

Better take it now!

Next week it might cost you 30% more!

The reality is of course that there exists no discount and it never existed.

They simply added 30% to their sales prices, making the product appear to be more expensive, only to later discount the 30% again and thereby offer the customer a “good deal”.

It is a brilliant trick with numbers you play in people’s minds.

And for decades, people are happy to have received a “great price” for their kitchen making this company one of the most successful in the German-speaking market in Europe.

Sounds stupid, and it somehow also is.

But it works effectively, and people seem already to be conditioned to such offers.

They literally jump at them in some industries.

Customers around the world so far never complained about getting 30% off, even if some of them might suspect that it is just a little trick to sell more.

But ultimately, we all want to look smart and feel special - and even if we suspect it could be a sales trick.

We eventually feel good because we paid 30% less and not because we bought something we otherwise probably had not bought.

Emotion beats rationality.

And according to research, 95% of our decisions are made and based on emotions, not facts.

These mental triggers directly influence our emotional basis.

To use urgency for your business, try to limit the offers you give to customers in time and if possible also in quantity.

For example:

“We have only X products left and the discounted price only is valid until tomorrow” will get a buyer to really think about the decision, and possibly make a decision in favor of your product very soon.

If the buyer absolutely is not satisfied with your offer, you will hear any obstacles or objections right away and can help to solve them.

If your offer truly does not fit for that person, then you will find that out very fast too.

For such cases, check out our article on How to make Sales Offer Irresistible.

This not only helps to make more sales, it also speeds up the buying cycle tremendously.

Thereby it can help your business to make more money faster by getting rid of clients that are not a good fit and helping accelerate for those buyers that you can really help.

Offering More For The Same

how to sell more
"Get one item for free with every purchase"

This strategy is also very commonly used to boost sales and generate cash quickly if the business needs it.

A classic example are all those “buy 2, get 1 free”, or similar offers where you get something extra for buying a certain amount of the product.

Again here you actually do not get anything for free.

The additional item has been calculated into the prices of the first 2 items you have to buy to receive it as “free”.

It is one more clever trick with numbers.

The basic idea is to increase the value the customer receives compared to when he or she would make an ordinary purchase.

It does not have to be an extra item, it could also be another item of less worth that comes with it.

Even if the additional item hardly has any monetary value, such as a free toy or some other gimmick.

There are a few different ways to make this tactic work for your business:

Add some extras

Look at what large corporations do to sell more breakfast cereals.

Sometimes they offer a toy hidden inside every 100th package.

This is an even more effective trick to sell more, because it also triggers the same emotions of gambling in people.

Will I get the toy next time I buy my cereal?

Am I the one lucky person out of 100 others?

Which will be the box with the toy inside?

It creates excitement and arousal - and again buying decisions are 95% made with emotions.

Even if the toy is produced and bought for pennies, people will much more likely pick the cereal with the possibility of a free (although actually worthless) toy than any competitive cereal with the certainty of getting the cereal only.

And this even knowing that in 99% of the cases they will only receive the standard cereal anyway.

Sounds too simple, I know.

But it is again very effective for getting more sales.

Increase Value for each purchase

What if your product is not suited for a buy 2 get 1 free campaign because you sell heavy machinery for instance?

In any case there is something you can add to give the customer additional value for the price.

The determining factor to make such a strategy work for you is that whatever you offer is cheap or hardly noticed on the side of your costs, and at the same time as valuable for the customer as possible.

In our example with selling heavy machinery, you could offer a free maintenance checkup after 1 years of purchase, if you have the necessary people and resources for it.

Or it could be an extended warranty to 3 years (knowing that within the first 3 years 95% of the equipment never needs repairs).

There are always creative ways to enhance value and add something special to it.

Look at gimmicks, upgrades or other resources you have readily available and offer them additionally with each purchase.

Even seemingly small upgrades in your offer can help you to sell better and faster.

Try and test until you have found something that resonates with your customers' needs.

Give customers some extra incentives

In another industry you might add some spare parts for free, or the chance of winning a vacation when buying within the next 3 days (notice the combination of urgency?).

You could offer a tangible incentive thereby, such as a raffle among your customers for a vacation.

If you have a margin of 5.000$ on average on your products, why not pay a weekend vacation for two people costing you 800$ once a year?

Again this would trigger excitement and a feeling of emotional arousal because you can never know who gets to win the vacation - and we all like to believe the odds are in our favor.

Whatever you offer, the main rule for this tactic to work is to have costs reduced to a minimum on your side and the perceived value maximized on the side of the customer.

There are always ways and possibilities to bring more value to the marketplace and thereby make selling easier.

So get creative and look at something nobody else in your market is offering.

Again, you do not change anything about your products or services, all you do is to structure the offer to look like a better deal in the eyes of your prospect.

Any of these strategies can help to increase sales fast.

To use this strategy in your business, think about what you could offer that costs you almost nothing or that acts as mere tax-write off for you, but can be of great value for your customers.

Maybe you have lots of spare parts anyway in your storage and have no idea what to do with them, why not offer some of this material with your product?

Can it be useful for other products in some way?

Or could you provide a short video training as a bonus?

Find something that can be easily added with your product and that would not require a lot of effort on your part.

You will be on your best way to get more sales quickly.

Under-promise, Over-deliver

how to sell more fast
"You added these extras for ME??"

Have you ever ordered something from Amazon and received the Email that the delivery will be scheduled on a Friday, only to then have on Thursday already the mailman at your doorstep with the desired order?

How did it make you feel?

Would you order with them again?

Did you tell your friends about the experience?

Or have you ever put your car into a dealership for an oil change, and when you picked it up noticed that they cleaned your car inside and out without extra charge?

What were your thoughts on that dealership from then on?

Would you recommend them to your friends?

Would you consider buying your next vehicle there?

The concept of under-promise and overdeliver really makes a difference for the companies using it.

Our digital world has even made it more effective, as positive online reviews are visible to anyone and can give an additional boost in your sales.

However, marketing and standing out as a business has become more and more difficult in the last few years.

Today´s media and marketing landscape is more than crowded.

We are so overloaded and getting bombarded with marketing and sales messages all over that we tend to ignore more of them than ever.

And thus companies all over the world ask how they can stand out from the crowd and can position themselves above their competitors.

Millions of advertising dollars are spent without any improvement.

But exactly this happens when you under-promise and over-deliver.

You don’t need a fancy marketing campaign to stand out and touch your customer’s heart.

A little extra work, a little extra effort will make the customer feel special.

This feeling will be well remembered for a long time.

And this will cause your customers to tell others.

People will not only be pleasantly surprised, they will also be amazed by the extra work you did and feel totally good.

How would you feel when you get something extra for free?

As John C. Maxwell already said in his book:

“Every person has an invisible sign above their head which says: Make me feel important.”

Again in most cases it can be something that barely costs your business anything.

And you don't have to extensively over-deliver, usually it is enough to do more voluntarily than is expected in the eyes of the customer.

The crucial part is that people don't expect what you do, and that they are not aware that you will do it.

Keep your over-promise a secret under all circumstances.

Don’t tell people what you will do for them - simply do it!

If you plan to give some extra service, deliver faster or offer other bonus material - make sure the customer knows nothing about it.

If the customer would know it, it would ruin your surprise effect and thereby ruin the impact of the over-delivery.

It should also be something not in your industry standards, something that your competitors will not offer by themselves.

Thus your customers will also not expect to receive anything like it and it increases the positive effect.

The element of surprise is essential, to receive more than expected.

If people expect you to do something because every other competitor offers it complementary too, then this is not over-delivering.

Ideally it is really something only your business gives the customer as a kind of experience. Amazon for example is the only online-retailer I know that will in most cases deliver my order around 1 day earlier than I expect it.

What could your business offer that is absolutely unique?

What resources could you tap into that only you control?

What could you do for your customers nobody else yet does?

The trick behind Amazon is that they have created a distribution empire, and in many countries the postal services are basically working for Amazon.

This gives them a huge influence on the delivery time and thereby allows over-delivery by scheduling everything 1 day earlier than the customer expects it.

It is not luck or a happy coincidence, Amazon plans this over-delivery meticulously.

They know their strengths and leverage it to the maximum to satisfy their customers.

Actually when you receive your order on the day you expected it, it is because something went wrong and took longer than they had planned.

Thereby even if things go wrong (as they always do) they are sure to still keep the promise to their customers which is an amazing system if you think about it.

The elementary thing about their system however is that they are largely in control of this process and that hardly any other online retailer could ever do the same thing.

It not only helps to make sales, it becomes a USP (Unique Selling Proposition), something that sets them apart from all the others in the market.

Customers are not only surprised and feel valued if you do more than is expected, in today's world of online reviews many will even feel obligated to give you good reviews or otherwise spread the word about your business.

The word of mouth marketing that results after time will get you more sales than any other pushy-sales technique ever would.

We talked in other blog posts about a great way to stand out and good marketing - what could be better marketing than having hundreds or thousands of raving fans out there spreading the word with their family and friends about how great the service was received at your business?

And what do you have to do for it?

Make people happy, simple as that.

How To Set Up Under-promise and Over-deliver Systems

Look at your resources and your position in the market.

Also look at exactly what your competitors are doing.

How good are they servicing their customers?

What promises do they make?

Do they keep them?

Do they over-deliver?

In most industries, this should be fairly easy.

Many experiences with businesses end disappointing for the customer.

For many it is even hard to only fulfill what they promised in an ordinary purchase in a satisfying way.

Exactly this is what makes under-promise and over-deliver so darn effective.

In a world of broken promises, bad services and unfulfilled expectations, your business will be the one to stand out and be the one to not only fulfill your promises fully but also to over-deliver on the customers expectations.

Of course this implies that all your remaining services and products also do their job.

If your product breaks down frequently, your regular customer service is not available, or your other expectations are not met, then the entire concept will lose all of its effectiveness.

Customers will feel disappointed even if only 1 out of 6 things in your business will not work as expected.

Thus it makes sense for implementing this technique to first check all your existing products and services if they do what is expected of them - maybe your business was not keeping on its promises either and created a history of disappointed people behind it.

Time to fix that.

Get everything moving as it should and bring failure down to the minimum.

Once you know your business is really delivering on what is promised, time to start thinking about over-delivering.

First of all, look at your strengths.

Analyze your position in the market and find things you can offer better or easier than any other competitor.

What is your Sweet Spot?

What resources do you have that give you an edge?

What could you offer to do extra that would be easy for you but valuable to the customer?

Even if you can hardly find anything because your market is so commoditized, just find something that can be added quickly and cheaply and at the same time would make people really happy with their purchase.

There is always something you can do for your customers.

Keep this extra benefit a secret and do not communicate the implementation at first.

Then observe what happens when the customers start to notice you did more than was expected of you.

After some time, you can't help but to see your reputation and thus your sales increase.

Pro-Tip: Combine Them All.

To finish this blogpost, let me give you the best advice to make more sales right now without a lot of effort:

You use a combination of all 3 tactics discussed here.

You first of all implement scarcity in your products - which will naturally draw people towards your offer.

Then you combine it with urgency - and will thereby get people to act fast and decide right now.

And to finish it off, you under-promise on your product and over-deliver on the expectations of people to create long-term happy customers.

Even in tough times, these tactics work and will continue to work.

They will help you to get more sales without having to do major changes in your product or your overall business.

They can be implemented today and get you better sales results in the long run.


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